Macro and market research

Jan. 2023

“The IMF projects global real GDP growth to slow to 4.4% in 2022, compared to the previous estimate of 5.9%.”

“Reasons for the slowdown include the war in Ukraine, Omicron driven disruptions, further supply-chain bottlenecks, and risks of rising inflation.
This comes at a time when major central banks have initiated monetary tightening cycles and most economies have little room for fiscal support, as debt levels spiked after ample Covid-19 support packages.”

SFH Macro & Market Update




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Equity selection

Jan. 2023

Equity lists generated by our investment team based on a thorough top-down analysis and a proprietary bottom-up selection process. Our factor-based selection methodology revolves around both fundamental and technical analysis, coupled with in-depth qualitative assessments.


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Fixed income selection

Jan. 2023

Fixed income lists based on an in-house screening methodology and thorough credit and liquidity analysis. Our partnerships with top tier global banks and brokers grant us access to valuable insights and resources along with efficient execution for our clients.


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